
用原创的设计语言不断创新引领浴室潮流With original design language, continuous innovation leads the
trend of bathroom, giving life more fresh experience.

" 至臻品质 "

JASUPI 捷士比将产品提升至艺术级精工品质 使得每款产品如藏品一般倍显珍贵

JASUPI will improve the product to the art level of seiko quality. Making each product as precious as a collection.

—— JASUPI 捷士比



JASUPI is a cutting-edge brand derived from German design and technology.  It integrates the lifestyle and concept of highly personalized quality into its products, combines the current global cutting-edge technology and design aesthetics, and studies every detail with German technology and rigorous process standards.


精工细作 暗装淋浴